Customer Testimonials

“This is the fifth car that Joe has done for me at Attention to Detail. He’s done a couple of my Mercedes, a couple of my Maserati’s, and now this flat black matte black Audi that I just purchased.
He actually gets the cars before I even drive them. I send them straight to him, so that way he can coat them and to what he does and make the magic happen. He’s the best. There’s nobody better and I’m real meticulous with my vehicles and I wouldn’t even consider bringing them to anybody else but Joe.”

John Milano – Owner/President of Milano Bail Bonds | February 6, 2021

Joe, Wayne and Brian took great care of my vehicle . They had to do a lot of paint correction and then ceramic coated the interior and exterior. They are very professional and did an outstanding job.
Andy Castillo
Andy Castillo
The quality is top notch. Joe does quality work and treats the vehicle like its his own.
Joaquin Martiarena
Joaquin Martiarena
Absolutely awesome job! Joe is a great guy and gave us an awesome deal. We took our Mercedes c300 to him and the results were amazing. Definitely coming back!! Thank you
Nicholas Beck
Nicholas Beck
These guys are the best. I cannot thank Joe enough for the attention to detail and work done to my truck. I ended up with covid while they had the vehicle. Joe and his team were unbelievable. They said we will keep your truck as long as you need until you are well enough to come get it. Anywhere else would have tried to charge storage fees. I picked her up today and have never seen a cleaner vehicle. If you need a ride looking brand new search no further.
Steel Penguin
Steel Penguin
Their name says it all! I took my 2021 Escalade Sport to them, and the car looks amazing. I am a car fanatic. I'm very selective in who I trust to do work on my cars, and it's almost impossible to find people who care about the car the way I do. Let me just say, based on my experience, I will be bringing any and all future vehicles to Attention to Detail. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!! PS. Check out the reflection of the parking lot on the side door.
Jim Back
Jim Back
Great people and Do an awesome job.
G St Hilaire
G St Hilaire
Thanks to Joe and team for doing what you do✅ Passionate professionals doing what they love and treating your vehicles like there own!!!! Amazing job!!! After 5yrs you made it look better than new!!!!!